As we age, our skin begins to sag and wrinkle, causing our self-esteem to plummet with it. Unfortunately, serums, lotions and potions often are not enough to fully reverse the signs of aging, and many of these serums can be quite expensive when purchased regularly. One of the first areas of the body that shows the signs of aging is the face. You can often tell a person’s age not by the way that their body looks, but by their face, how many wrinkles it has and how much it sags and droops. In this case, going for a facelift is a beneficial option for individuals who are tired of not liking the way that they look.
For women living in Arizona, the signs of aging are often made worse because of the extreme dry heat and hot sun. A facelift done by Dr. Meger is a wonderful way to eliminate and reduce these signs of aging so that you not only look better, but you feel better about yourself. The best time for you to go for a facelift is when you know you can benefit from having the skin lifted to get rid of deeper wrinkles, lines and sagging that is starting to affect your self-esteem.
Facelifts are relatively easy procedures, and they are one of the most performed plastic surgeries in the world. They involve stretching and pulling the skin on the face, which in turn helps to get rid of sagging, drooping and any lines that are caused by the skin falling down. Dr. Meger will advise you on what to do before surgery and what to expect when having it done. You will then schedule a day for the facelift to be done, and you will need someone who can drive you home from the procedure since general anesthesia is used.
Thousands of Arizona women go to Dr. Meger each year for facelift procedures and other plastic surgeries so that they can both correct facial and body problems as well as feel better about the way that they look. If you feel that it is time to improve the look of your face and get rid of the signs of aging that are affecting your confidence, it is time to make a consultation appointment with Dr. Meger to see what is best for you and when you can go in to have the work done.
If you would like a consultation on getting a Facelift in Phoenix or Scottsdale, AZ Call our office Today to Schedule a Free Consultation