When people think about plastic surgery, they do not often think of their eyelids. Many people automatically think of procedures such as breast augmentation or Brazilian butt lift. Of course, plastic surgery goes beyond the usual procedures, even to the eyelids. Many people benefit greatly from eyelid surgery in Phoenix AZ.
Blepharoplasty helps reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes, as well as helping to fix sagging eyelids. The procedure can be performed on the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, or both. Blepharoplasty is not done just for cosmetic regions. The procedure can also help improve vision by moving the eyelids out of the way of the eye.
The surgery itself does come with risks, just as all surgeries do. In the hands of a practiced and trustworthy surgeon, the blepharoplasty will go smoothly. After the surgeon finishes the work, the cuts will be closed with absorbable or removable stitches or a skin adhesive. Removable stitches are taken out after about a week.
Once the surgery is complete, most patients experience bruising and swelling around their eyes as they heal. The pain and swelling should go down within a few days after the operation. The majority of patients recover incredibly well after the surgery, and scarring is not noticeable because of the placement of the incisions.
Like most surgical procedures, blepharoplasty is not for everyone. People who do benefit from the surgery tend to have a few characteristics. People who have visual problems and sagging eyelids benefit extremely well. Those whose eyelids make them appear older and who want to look younger and fresher also benefit from blepharoplasty.
Blepharoplasty, a surgical procedure of the eyelids, is a procedure that has the potential to benefit many people. The procedure can not only improve self-esteem, but it can also improve a person’s vision. A person who is considering this procedure should speak with a plastic surgeon to discuss their options.