While a great at-home skincare routine is integral to staying gorgeous, facials are the added boost that we all need to really keep our skin looking and feeling its best.
However, if you make some key mistakes, you might unknowingly erase all the benefits of your facial. Here are some classic facial blunders to arrive.
Don’t Wear Makeup After a Facial
After a facial, your pores are open and your skin is very sensitive. When you apply makeup to a face that has recently been so deeply cleansed and exfoliated, you run a major risk of blemishes and irritation. This is why it’s best to schedule a facial for a time when you know you’ll be able to go home and hibernate for at least 12 hours afterwards.
Use SPF Religiously in The Weeks Following a Facial
The truth of the matter is that you should be wearing sunscreen every single day, even if it’s cloudy or cold outside. However, it’s especially important to wear a moisturizer containing a high level of SPF after a facial. Remember, facials deeply cleanse the skin and use exfoliation to remove imperfections. While this is great for long-term results, it can make the skin very sensitive immediately following the procedure.
Stay Hydrated
Water might not be the magical elixir that some beauty gurus make it out to be, but it’s still integral in maintaining healthy skin. You can’t expect your skin to look plump and glowing if you’re dehydrated. Plus, many people sweat during facials, which means they need extra rehydration. Chug a bit more water than usual after your facial. Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate the skin.
During your facial, your skin specialist will be able to give you additional tips that are specific to your unique skin concerns. Please contact us today to learn more about how a facial can help your complexion and how you can book a facial in Phoenix AZ.