Rhinoplasty is plastic surgery performed on the nose to change its shape or improve its function. If you decide to undergo rhinoplasty surgery, you’ll likely wear a nasal splint for the first week. Rhinoplasty does have side effects, but they tend to go away quickly. The benefits usually outweigh the disadvantages.
Breathe Better
Some people decide to undergo rhinoplasty surgery so that they can breathe better. Most people have a deviation in their septum that separates the nasal passages, and it can cause issues with breathing through their nostrils. Even if you don’t think you have issues breathing through your nose properly, rhinoplasty could improve your overall nasal function and your quality of life. You may sleep better and have more energy during the day. It may even help with snoring.
Look Younger
If you’re older and looking to have a youthful appearance, rhinoplasty can help achieve that. Rhinoplasty won’t make you look as youthful as a face lift, but it can make you look a few years younger.
Changes in Your Voice
If you get rhinoplasty, you may notice a difference in your voice. This can be a benefit or a disadvantage, but for most people, it’s a benefit. Discuss the concerns you have with a plastic surgeon before you decide to get rhinoplasty.
Improves Appearance
Research has shown that the first thing a person looks at are your eyes. The second thing they look at is your nose. A straight and symmetrical nose approves your attractiveness. If you have an uneven nose, it detracts from your attractiveness.
Fix a Broken Nose
The nose is the most prominent part of the face, and it’s the facial bone that gets broken the most often. A broken nose can be caused by a car accident, falls, physical altercations or injuries from sports. A reconstructive rhinoplasty will likely fix any deformities you have.
Relieves Sinuses
Rhinoplasty can help chronic sinusitis or inflammation of the sinuses. If you have chronic sinusitis or your sinusitis keeps coming back, the surgeon will look for structural issues in the nose or sinuses.
Boost Your Confidence
If you don’t like the way your nose looks, it may make you feel unattractive. If you like the way your nose looks, it’ll boost your confidence and make you feel attractive.
Make an Appointment
If you think undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure will be beneficial for you, make an appointment for a consultation. The surgeon you speak with will discuss your aesthetic goals and desires with you.