Breast implants to increase bust size are very popular among women of all ages. But did you know that women can also undergo surgery in order to reduce their breast size? There are a few reasons why a woman would want to do this, and below we outline the major ones. In Phoenix, AZ, Dr. Meger offers breast reduction to women looking to go down a few cup sizes in order to improve their quality of life. Dr. Meger is able to remove any excess skin, fat, and skin to sculpt the breasts into what the patient desires. Contrary to popular belief, there is such as thing as breasts that are too big.
1. Relieve Back and Neck Pain
The main reasons why women undergo breast reduction is to relieve back and neck pain. Having large breasts can pull the entire body forward, which causes pain overtime. A good supportive bra can relieve some of this, but the only way to truly experience pain relief is to undergo surgery with Dr. Meger in Arizona.
2. Soothe Skin Irritation
If you have larger-than-average breasts, you know that wearing a bra is a must. Just to lessen the back and neck pain, a bra must be worn at all times. The straps can often cause skin irritation, especially on sensitive areas like near the underarms. Some women even develop a rash on the site where the straps rub the most often. A breast reduction will allow this skin irritation to disappear.
3. Improve Posture
Because large breasts cause you to be pulled forward due to their weight, this can cause you to also have bad posture. It may be painful to stand up straight all the time, as it put unnecessary stress on your back muscles. Smaller breasts are also lighter, which means you will be able to stand up straight and enjoy perfect posture without pain.
Who Is a Candidate?
If you desire a breast reduction for any reason you may be a good candidate for this procedure. You are especially likely to qualify if your quality of life is impacted due to the size of your breasts. At your personalized consultation, Dr. Meger will go over all the pros and cons associated with this procedure to help you make the best decision. He will also discuss the aftercare so you are fully aware of all a breast reduction surgery in Phoenix entails. If you live in Phoenix or Scottsdale, contact the office of Dr. Meger today to schedule your consultation!