Researching Arm Lifts in Phoenix?
An intensive weight loss process, similar to old age, can lead to the skin sagging on the arms. Getting rid of the excess skin as
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An intensive weight loss process, similar to old age, can lead to the skin sagging on the arms. Getting rid of the excess skin as
Each time we reach for a depilatory or a razor, we’re all probably thinking the same thing. “Why can’t I just get rid of unwanted
Having trouble getting rid of love handles? Are you exercising regularly and eating right only to not see the results you want? Even with the
Before getting any type of cosmetic surgery, it is wise to consider carefully exactly what you are going to have done. You do not want
Although the breast lift may not be as popular of a procedure as the breast augmentation is, it is still a powerful way to get
Regardless of what type of plastic surgery in Scottsdale you’re considering is, how to pay for the procedure is likely on your mind. Instead of
Botox treatments have become commonplace in today’s society. They are used for a variety of applications, but they are best known for their cosmetic benefits
If you are a man, you might think that only women are unhappy with the size and appearance of their breasts. However, men also suffer
When most people start thinking about getting breast implants, they usually start with the size. Getting the perfect size implant for your body type is definitely a big part of the decision. But one factor that many women may not know about is whether they want moderate plus or high profile breast implants. Scottsdale women […]
Breast augmentation is still one of the most popular procedure for plastic surgery with over 300,000 women undergoing the operation. Over the last few decades, the technology and techniques for breast augmentation have improved by leaps and bounds. But there is still a great deal of misinformation out there, and many of our patients experience […]
Once you’ve decided that you’re ready to start seriously thinking about getting breast augmentation, the next obvious question is which implant is right for me? Of course, without actually performing an examination and talking with you in person, it is difficult for Dr. Meger to give this kind of recommendation. However, what we want to […]
If you suffer from tuberous breasts, there are two things you need to know. First, you are not alone. Tuberous breast deformity is strikingly common although there isn’t good data on exactly how many women suffer from it. Second, if you have tuberous breasts, it is possible to get beautiful, youthful, and natural-looking breasts from […]
One of the most critical decisions that patients have to make is which type of incision their surgeon will use during their breast augmentation. Scottsdale patients are often unfamiliar with the different types of incisions, so we wanted to put together a quick explanation here in this blog post. The reason this decision is so […]
Choosing to have a Phoenix Mommy Makeover is a huge decision. Not only have you made the decision to regain your pre-pregnancy body, but you have made the decision to restore your self-confidence. Recovery time from a Mommy Makeover is typically about two weeks, and you’ll need to take the time leading up to your […]
Phoenix is known for consistently warm weather so it’s not uncommon to be in a bikini year round. Perhaps you’re thinking about getting breast implants and improving the way your body looks. However, you want to make sure that you get the right kind of implants that will be best for you and what you […]
We are so excited about this blog post because we get to answer one of the most asked questions we hear from our patients! What is the difference between saline, silicone, and the “gummy bear” breast implants? Phoenix women who have started looking into breast augmentation are understandably confused about what the exact difference are […]
If your breasts are uneven, this can cause a lot of unhappiness and often embarrassment. You could have back problems, feel insecure about the way you look and feel a bit uneasy in your everyday life. Having uneven breasts can cause damage to you mentally and physically. Over time, the situation will just become worse […]
When warm weather approaches, it’s only natural to be thinking about your summer body. Everybody wants to look good and feel good. Having your clothes hug your body’s beautiful curves is one of the ways that you can allow yourself to feel amazing and look even better. If there’s a part of your body that […]
Every year, thousands of Phoenix women give birth. And while childbearing is a remarkable miracle, it can wreak havoc on a Phoenix woman’s body. With sagging or deflated breasts, excess skin in the abdominal region and weight gain in the flanks, abdomen, and/or thighs, many Phoenix women end their childbearing years by living in a […]
If you’re a Phoenix woman who has decided to get breast implants, you may be wondering what shape and size implants to get. And you may also be wondering which is more important – the shape of your breast implants and final results or the size of your breast implants. Dr. Meger has helped hundreds […]
Myths about breast augmentation and breast implants have been around for a long time. Now, more than ever, it seems as though these myths are more common and even more outrageous than before. We encourage our patients to do their own research and to wait to make any decisions until they’ve actually met with Dr. […]
If your breasts have started to droop or sag, you may have been considering a breast augmentation surgery. As we age, our body starts to age with us, and it’s only normal that some areas are not as perky as they used to be. Breast augmentation is a very common surgery, and most people choose […]
One of the things that Dr. Meger is so good at is helping patients understand the healing process after their breast augmentation. Phoenix patients often want to see the final results of their procedure immediately after they go home from the operation. However, it takes some time for your body to heal, recover, and for […]
One of the most important questions that patients should ask their plastic surgeon before a breast augmentation is how many future operations they should expect to have. Even though it is almost impossible to predict if you’ll need reoperation on your breast implants, Phoenix women should understand that there is a slight chance it could […]
One of the first questions that potential patients ask Dr. Meger is how natural their breasts will feel after breast augmentation. Scottsdale women are understandably curious about how their new breast implants will feel after the procedure and how long that will take. In fact, there are a few different factors that determine how natural […]
There are so many different reasons that Phoenix women choose to have a breast augmentation. Some Phoenix women are looking to replace the fullness of their breasts that age and childbearing have taken away from them. Other Phoenix women may be self-conscious of asymmetrical breasts, and hoping that a breast augmentation will give them a […]
Scottsdale women undergo breast augmentation surgery at many different ages and stages in life. If you are a young Scottsdale woman who is planning on having children in the future, you may be wondering, “Will I be able to breastfeed after a breast augmentation?” That’s a great question and one that Dr. Meger has helped […]
The human body comes in an infinite range of shapes and sizes, which is one of the reasons why Dr. Meger finds his work as a plastic surgeon both challenging and rewarding. When it comes to choosing your breast implants, Phoenix women have a wide range of options to choose from to best accentuate their […]
So you want to have fuller, more perky breasts. You also want to have children at some point in the future. You’re wondering if there is a way you can do both or if having breast augmentation surgery will affect you later on with pregnancy. It’s a normal concern to have. If you have surgery […]
Many Phoenix women who are getting breast implants are in their 20s or 30s, well before they need to worry about regular breast cancer screenings through mammograms. You may be years or even decades away from getting your first mammogram. But, if you’re a Phoenix woman considering getting breast implants, it’s important that you are […]
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.
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